Troop Mission and Expectations along with Incident Report in - Troop Behavior Contract
Troop Leadership Positions- required reading for our Boy Scouts in a leadership role.
Merit Badge Application (to accompany a BSA Adult Volunteer form):
Camping Recipes (to help with planning of monthly meals) -
Campout Menu Planning Worksheets - Menu, Grocery and Utensil List
Campout Menu and Duty Roster (pdf) - Great for Patrol Leaders & APL's!
Campng Patrol Packing List (don't want to forget anything) - Camping Guide
Summer Camp Packing Items (it is a long, but fun week) - list (PDF link)
BSA Medical Forms - Health Form Link
Medications Form (for any Scout/Troop Event) -Form to Accompany any medicines needed by Scout
Recommended First Aid Supplies - Red Cross Website
Court of Honor Agenda - Templates, along with past and possiblity upcoming scripts
Official Troop Letter - Word .doc format helpful for soliciation of donations and Eagle references.
Mess Kits, Mesh Bag & Summer Camp Tote - see examples
Technology Agreement as a modifiable Parent/Son contract for Internet, Cellphones, tablets and laptop use (used in CyberChip and Programming MB)
Scout Cyber Pledge for the Cyber Chip requirement
Campership - Camp version of a Campership so that no Boy Scout misses an opportunity to go to Summer Camp! Please review the instructions/form and talk to the Scoutmaster.
Founder Unit Recognition Certificate printing template: use this to print perfectly-aligned names on your BSA-supplied founding unit certificates.
Merit Badge Resources from recent courses offered during troop meetings:
Programming MB Resources - MANY programming languages and "How To" for a simple program.
Merit Badge Counselors
A list of adults who have expertise can be provided by requets to help guide Boy Scouts - as a group or individually (with a chaperone) - through requirements to earn MBs. Before contacting a MB Counselor, a Scout should get permission from a Troop Adult Leader.
If an adult has a special talent and would like to become a MB counselor, please download an explanation then complete a form to return to a Troop Leader. An Adult Volunteer registration form will be provided. Also, please complete the Youth Protection course online.
Troop Uniform Explanations
Class-A shirts(without the neckerchief and slide) can be worn with jeans or shorts at informal occasions such as
- Regular troop meetings
- Camps (Klondike Derby, summer camp, any troop campout, etc.)
- District/council activities (like the upcoming VT MB College or ITT)
When the Troop asks for the FULL Class-A uniform, it means definitely wear the neckerchief and slide with the Class-A shirt. The merit badge sash is optional but a good habit to wear with neckerchief and slide. it is recommended that clean/nice jeans or brown/khaki/greenish pants should be worn for these occasions:
- Court of Honors
- Board of Reviews
- Flag Ceremonies or anything to do with flags or Veterans (VFW dinner, Memorial Day, etc.)
- Official District/Council ceremonies (camp closing ceremony, banquet, etc.)
- Church services (Scout Sunday or camp service)
Class-B refers to the Troop t-shirt.