Troop Campout
April 17-19, 2024

DEPARTURE:  Arrive at VFW Post 5311 Building parking lot at 5:30 PM to load up and carpool.
DETAILS ABOUT THE TRIP: Troop 145 will be camping at ___________.

 Event Fee - $20.00

Other Activities -  

FOOD: Each Scout should pack a mess kit and refillable water bottle.  Once a menu has been listed, a Scout can volunteer to serve as "quartermaster" to purchase the grocery items for the number attending.  The Scout packs all food into coolers and tote bags for easy storage and carry.  A Scout can then provide a copy of the receipt to a Scoutmaster for reimbursement into the Scout's Account. If any questions, a Scout can ask their Patrol Leader or a Scoutmaster. 

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:  Refer to your handbook on what to pack for this overnight campout.  Wear your  Class B shirt whenever on a Troop campout.  Going to Alta Mons in Shawsville, VA and participate in conservation service projects as a part of the Paul Bunyan Days.  Please bring your own tent if own one.  Due to COVID, each Scout must sleep individually.  Also, face masks must be worn throughout the weekend except when dining and in own tent.

RETURN Pick up campers around approximately 10:00 AM on  Sunday. (Leaders will do their best to arrange phone calls or texts 20 minutes prior, but parents must be ready at 9:00 AM) Scouts will be dismissed to depart with parents/guardian once ALL tasks (clean out trailer, lay out tents, etc.) are completed.

#: Bobby Burleson: (540)505-4192  Russ Williams (540)320-5957