Check here often for updated information!  See also our Troop Calendar for the latest Scouting activities at the unit, district and council levels!

Troop 145 Events

Next Troop 145 Meeting is Monday, March 17, 7:00 PM

  • Uniform: Class-A shirt - Happy St. Patrick's Day
  • Start Wilderness First Aid Training
  • Please bring 2nd $100.00 Summer Camp Deposit.
  • All meetings will be at the VFW by default unless specified.

Sign-Ups Available:





 Yard Sale Fundraiser  Summer Camp Go or No Go
 Merit Badge Opportuntiies Pack 145 Pinewood Derby
March Campout At Alta Mons  
The youth and adult Scouts of Troop 145 have a unique opportunityWFA patch to earn a the American Red Cross WFA certification and a special patch can worn on their uniform.  With the amount of remote outings taken by Troop 145 and the number of youth getting jobs as camp counselors,  this is a training is helpful when advance help is more than 60 minutes away.
Each Troop member will need to download the free digitial ARC WFA book and reference guide.  For the duration of this course, a Scout can bring an e-device with these download to be referenced. If a Scout does not have an e-device, a book can be provided with notice.

Our Charter Organization
VFWPost5311LEMPack 145 is so happy to announce that our Boy Scout program has a NEW sponsor:  Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5311. Activities with our veterans have been a part of Troop 145 for many years.  It was a natural fit and Troop 145 looks forward to many joint events with the VFW.  Troop 145 will continue to meet at St. Paul UMC Activity Building because the United Methodist Men and UMC members wish to continue helping Boy Scouts as a youth mission through a Facilities Usage Agreement.  Troop 145 meetings may be held at the VFW Post on High Street.
Troop Dues

After much deliberation in accordance with new BSA fees,  Troop 145 must raise its yearly dues to $130.00.  That is less than $11.00 a month for the 2024 in a 12-month recharter year.  Dues need to paid by November 1st or ASAP.  If there is a financial need for a "campership", do not hestitate to talk to a Troop Leader.  For Scout Account Balances, please contact ASM Treasurer Scott Vice.

 Scout Account Status
dollarsignTroop 145 prides itself on keeping good finances and allowing Scouts to fundraise into or be reimbursed through Scout Accounts then use those funds to pay for Troop activities.   To reduce the number of deficits and unknown balances at sign-ups as well as a new BRMC Decembe recharter,  Troop 145 would appreciate if families could deposit a minimum of $50.00 at the start of this Scout Year.  If any questions,  please talk to any Scoutmaster or Treasurer Scott Vice. 


TextingTroop 145 wants to provide immediate communication with Scouts and parents.  Please consider joining in one of three ways:
Smartphones - Open a web browser and type this link: then follow the instructions.
Other phones - Text message "@d6d2d6" to the number 81010 or (724) 471-5062
No mobile phone - Go to on a desktop computer for email notifcations



Fundraising Opportunities Available
Troop 145 offers activities that require fees especially on monthly campouts and special events.  Troop 145 will be offering these OPTIONAL fundraisers to Scouts and families to fill Scout Accounts (SA).  This winter/spring, these are available:

Yard Sale  2025 - start collecting items from your family and friends!


Pack 145 Den Chiefs to help Dens                       Anytime by application.

 Scouts and Sports together make a balanced diet of activities! Scouting is flexible enough for a Scout to excel at both, and many Scouts do. Scouting encourages a well-rounded balance of activities, and a Scout doesn’t have to attend every Scouting event.  No one should have to feel that it is "Scouts verus Sports" situation.
Troop 145 supports its Scout players in various sports thoughout the seasons!  As Troop 145 starts a new Scout Year and should a Scout be unavailable for Monday meetings or other activities,  please stay in communication with your Patrol Leaders and Scoutmaster so we can all be your "cheering section"  in Sport AND in Scouting!  As always, we look forward to your attendance to any of the planned troop activities!