
The Patrol Leaders' Council (PLC) selects, plans, and leads Troop activities, and is the key to having a Boy-Led Troop.

Senior Patrol Leader: Noah Petry
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: Joshua Stoddard
Gangsta Frog Patrol Leader:  Wyatt Semones
Chiefs Patrol Leader:  David McMullen
Troop Guide(to be announced in March)
Troop Scribe: Kaleb Robinson
Troop Quartermaster: Sammy Kamienski
Troop Chaplin Aide: 
JR Asst. Scountmaster: George Rust


Next Campout:  (See Camping Trip page for more information)

Next Board of Review:  BY APPOINTMENT ONLY -see sign-up sheet

Next Court of Honor: 

Devotions:  Every 1st and 3rd week

Class-B Day: Every 4th and 5th Monday of the month